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Use cases, KPIs and Tests Definition

By Dietrich Volker, VARTA Storage

The main goal of the CoFBAT project is to develop a new-generation-batteries for energy storage, suitable for different applications and fulfilling the increasing need of decentralized energy production, meant for private households, commercial applications and industrial logistic devices.

Early in the project we needed to define the use cases, by identifying different use cases which were analyzed by project partners VARTA Storage, Bouygues Energies & Services and VDL Automated Vehicles. To fulfill the before mentioned purposes, two main outputs were provided: 1) the definition and analysis of the use cases, 2) the definition of key performance indicators (KPI) for the battery as a storage technology.

Among others, the use cases include stationary applications like electricity storage in buildings (homes, commercial and industrial premises) to increase self-consumption, peak-shaving and grid stability services and the integration of renewables. Moreover, non-automotive applications like industrialized robots such as automatic guided vehicles (AGVs), home- and garden tools and other portable devices have been analyzed. Each application has been analyzed regarding market opportunities and operation profiles.

As a result, it can be concluded that several use cases have a significant market potential and associated expectation will have different positions on the appropriate timeline. The most promising markets are: - Residential energy storage market in Europe (short- and medium term perspective); - large scale storage systems a) associated to solar farms on islands, and b) deployed to balance the transmission grid in Europe (short- and medium term perspective); - and last but not least the market of smaller automated guided vehicles (medium term), which are currently positioned in a growing phase among the product life cycle process.

At the end of the analysis, a list with the most promising use cases and KPIs for the project cell has been created as a major output.


Solar self-consumption optimization

Main focus is to use the photovoltaic energy (produced during the daytime) during the night.

High relevance: e.g. optimized device efficiency and reaction time

Peak Shaving

Main focus is to reduce the maximum load on the grid-connection point, or cover charging of EVs (Electrical Vehicles).

High relevance: e.g. system stability and system availability

Emergency Power

Main focus is to build up an “island grid” after a power outage on the public grid.

High relevance: e.g. system stability and high peak power (inrush current) capability


Solar self-consumption optimization

Residential and commercial


Automated Guided Vehicles

Interested in reading the complete report? You can find it here.


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