On 17 and 18 November 2022, the seventh General Assembly of the CoFBAT project took place in Spain for the first time in a fully face-to-face format!
The GA was hosted by two partners: by Cidetec in San Sebastian on the first day and by CICenergiGUNE in Vitoria-Gasteiz on the second day.
On the first day, the GA started with a discussion on the management of the project and provided a review of some recommendations based on the second periodic reporting.
CoFBAT is entering into its final year and all the WPs are entering into their final phase. The rest of the day was dedicated to WP4 – Process development for components and cell assembly led by Iratxe de Meatza from CID, and WP5 – Testing and characterisation of battery cells to gain insights in aging phenomena and for optimisation purposes led by Marian Cabañero from CICe. At the end of the first day, the partners had the opportunity to visit the facilities at Cidetec and enjoyed a nice Spanish dinner in San Sebastian.
For the second day of the GA, partners travelled to CICenergiGUNE in Vitoria-Gasteiz. The last three Work Packages were presented: WP6 – Design and prototyping of 21700 battery cell by Sebastian Shebesta from VMB, WP7 – Life cycle analysis and cost assessment and recycling by Fabian Diaz from MIMI, and WP8 – Dissemination, exploitation and business plan by Claire Lemaire from EASE during which the final event coming up was discussed. The GA was concluded by some encouraging words by Carlos Concepcion, coordinator of the project. The GA ended with a presentation of CICenergigune and a visit of their facilities.